VICTORY: Nevada Becomes the 19th state to call for a 28th Amendment

BREAKING NEWS: Nevada just became the 19th state to pass a resolution calling on Congress to propose a 28th Amendment to the Constitution to overturn Citizens United and stop the corruption of our republic by big money.

The Nevada state senate and assembly  passed SJR 4 urging Congress to propose an amendment to the United States Constitution to allow the regulation of independent political expenditures by corporations.

We see this as a major victory, as we’ve now reached half of  the states that would be needed for ratification of the amendment. Today’s victory in Nevada marks a tremendous stride to get big money out of our elections — and it demonstrates the need for continued, bipartisan support across the country.

All of us at Free Speech For People thank the citizen leaders in Nevada for their impressive organizing efforts, countless calls and letters to legislators, and their commitment to winning. We must continue to keep pressure on Congress.

With 19 states down, almost 140 million Americans live in a state that supports amending the Constitution. We have lots more work to do — and momentum is building as multiple states are pushing for resolutions or ballot initiatives this year and next.

Right now, organizers are pushing for overturning Citizens United  in Wyoming, Ohio, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, and many more states are working towards an amendment.

Nevada’s win is an inspiration and reminder that we can achieve this, city-by-city, state-by-state. This is the time to reclaim our democracy!

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