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DOT Supervisor Training

DOT Supervisor Training Online

DOT Compliance  

The Department of Transportation (DOT) requires federally regulated company’s employees, supervisor or otherwise, who have the ability to make a reasonable suspicion test determination be trained on 60 minutes drug and 60 minutes alcohol signs and symptoms of use and abuse. Common ways to fulfill this requirement are by video, powerpoint, in-person, or online. Each method has its benefits however training videos are generally very outdated (think 1980’s with horrible actors) and in-person training can be expensive and difficult to coordinate schedules. Online training also works well for training new supervisor’s quickly so there are no gaps between when they are trained and when they might have to make their first reasonable suspicion determination.

Record Keeping

Part of the DOT regulations state that employers are required to keep training records on hand indefinitely. One great feature of AtHandTraining’s DOT supervisor training online course is that the system automatically maintains records the training records and generates a certificate of completion for the trainee.

Recurring Training?

Most supervisors only need to complete training one-time during their employ, however the DOT would recommend that supervisors repeat the training couse every two years as best practice. FAA covered supervisors will need to repeat training every 12-18 months.

What is Reasonable Suspicion or “for cause” Drug Testing?

A DOT reasonable suspicion drug test is required when trained observer(s) believes the behaviors (physical, behavioral, mental) could reasonably be the result of the individual’s use or abuse of controlled/banned substances or if the supervisor has actual knowledge the employee has used alcohol during banned periods or controlled substances. Observations must be based on specific, contemporaneous, articulable observations concerning the appearance, behavior, speech or body odors.

For drugs, an employee would be in violation of DOT regulations if prohibited substances are detected in their system without a valid prescription or explanation – even if they are not currently impaired. This means that if an employee smoked weed during a two-week vacation they could test positive weeks after use. Alcohol testing however, tests for current impairment. 

Workplace Safety

Although it’s important to ensure employees who can make reasonable suspicion/cause determinations are trained so you can be in compliance, the underlying reason to ensure your staff are trained is to maintain a safe and secure workplace environment and ensure the safety of the general public. Every year there are reports of crashes or injuries resulting from drug or alcohol abuse related to the transportation industry. Happily, drug and alcohol abuse rates are lower in transit industries than they are in the general populations but that is likely a result of mandatory, and well-run drug and alcohol testing programs. Since supervisors are the first line of defense in the prevention of these types of accidents it’s crucial they receive the required training.

bus driver on drugs



Know and Communicate Your Policy

The DOT can change regulations from time to time and supervisors might be observing non-DOT employees under your general drug free workplace program. Therefore it’s imperitive that those who can make reasonable suspicion determinations fully understand both the DOT regualtions and your companies general drug free workplace policy. Prohibited employee conduct regarding drug and alcohol use should be clearly defined and communicated to all employees. It can be helpful to ensure the employees are also trained and have a good background knowledge of the substance abuse testing process and what’s expected of them.

DOT Regulations

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) – 49CFR Part 382.603

§ 382.603: Training for supervisors. Each employer shall ensure that all persons designated to supervise drivers receive at least 60 minutes of training on alcohol misuse and receive at least an additional 60 minutes of training on controlled substances use. The training will be used by the supervisors to determine whether reasonable suspicion exists to require a driver to undergo testing under § 382.307. The training shall include the physical, behavioral, speech, and performance indicators of probable alcohol misuse and use of controlled substances. Recurrent training for supervisory personnel is not required.

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) – 14 CFR Part 121 Append I & J

Drug Testing: Testing Based on Reasonable Cause. Each employer must test each employee who performs a safety-sensitive function and who is reasonably suspected of having used a prohibited drug. The decision to test must be based on a reasonable and articulable belief that the employee is using a prohibited drug on the basis of specific contemporaneous physical, behavioral, or performance indicators of probable drug use. At least two of the employee’s supervisors, one of whom is trained in detection of the symptoms of possible drug use, must substantiate and concur in the decision to test an employee who is reasonably suspected of drug use; except that in the case of an employer, other than a part 121 certificate holder, who employs 50 or fewer employees who perform safety-sensitive functions, one supervisor who is trained in detection of symptoms of possible drug use must substantiate the decision to test an employee who is reasonably suspected of drug use.

 Alcohol Reasonable Suspicion Testing: 2. The employer’s determination that reasonable suspicion exists to require the covered employee to undergo an alcohol test shall be based on specific, contemporaneous, articulable observations concerning the appearance, behavior, speech or body odors of the employee. The required observations shall be made by a supervisor who is trained in detecting the symptoms of alcohol misuse. The supervisor who makes the determination that reasonable suspicion exists shall not conduct the breath alcohol test on that employee.

Federal Transit Administration (FTA) – 49 CFR 655

655.14 Education and training programs.

Each employer shall establish an employee education and training program for all covered employees, including:

(a) Education. The education component shall include display and distribution to every covered employee of: informational material and a community service hot-line telephone number for employee assistance, if available. (b) Training—(1) Covered employees. Covered employees must receive at least 60 minutes of training on the effects and consequences of prohibited drug use on personal health, safety, and the work environment, and on the signs and symptoms that may indicate prohibited drug use. (2) Supervisors. Supervisors and/or other company officers authorized by the employer to make reasonable suspicion determinations shall receive at least 60 minutes of training on the physical, behavioral, and performance indicators of probable drug use and at least 60 minutes of training on the physical, behavioral, speech, and performance indicators of probable alcohol misuse.

Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety administration (PHMSA)

Drug Testing: (d) Testing based on reasonable cause. Each operator shall drug test each employee when there is reasonable cause to believe the employee is using a prohibited drug. The decision to test must be based on a reasonable and articulable belief that the employee is using a prohibited drug on the basis of specific, contemporaneous physical, behavioral, or performance indicators of probable drug use. At least two of the employee’s supervisors, one of whom is trained in detection of the possible symptoms of drug use, shall substantiate and concur in the decision to test an employee. The concurrence between the two supervisors may be by telephone. However, in the case of operators with 50 or fewer employees subject to testing under this part, only one supervisor of the employee trained in detecting possible drug use symptoms shall substantiate the decision to test.

Alcohol Testing: §199.241  Training for supervisors. Each operator shall ensure that persons designated to determine whether reasonable suspicion exists to require a covered employee to undergo alcohol testing under §199.225(b) receive at least 60 minutes of training on the physical, behavioral, speech, and performance indicators of probable alcohol misuse.

U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) – §16.250   Reasonable cause testing requirements

(a) The marine employer shall require any crewmember engaged or employed on board a vessel owned in the United States that is required by law or regulation to engage, employ or be operated by an individual holding a credential issued under this subchapter, who is reasonably suspected of using a dangerous drug to be chemically tested for dangerous drugs.

(b) The marine employer’s decision to test must be based on a reasonable and articulable belief that the individual has used a dangerous drug based on direct observation of specific, contemporaneous physical, behavioral, or performance indicators of probable use. Where practicable, this belief should be based on the observation of the individual by two persons in supervisory positions.

Supervisors must be given at least sixty minutes of training.

Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) – §219.300 Mandatory reasonable suspicion testing. *

(a) Requirements. (1) A railroad must require a covered employee to submit to an alcohol test when the railroad has reasonable suspicion to believe that the employee has violated any prohibition of subpart B of this part concerning use of alcohol. The railroad’s determination that reasonable suspicion exists to require the covered employee to undergo an alcohol test must be based on specific, contemporaneous, articulable observations concerning the appearance, behavior, speech or body odors of the employee.

(2) A railroad must require a covered employee to submit to a drug test when the railroad has reasonable suspicion to believe that the employee has violated the prohibitions of subpart B of this part concerning use of controlled substances. The railroad’s determination that reasonable suspicion exists to require the covered employee to undergo a drug test must be based on specific, contemporaneous, articulable observations concerning the appearance, behavior, speech or body odors of the employee. Such observations may include indications of the chronic and withdrawal effects of drugs.

(b)(1) With respect to an alcohol test, the required observations must be made by a supervisor trained in accordance with §219.11(g). The supervisor who makes the determination that reasonable suspicion exists may not conduct testing on that employee.

(2) With respect to a drug test, the required observations must be made by two supervisors, at least one of whom is trained in accordance with §219.11(g).

* Note: AtHandTraining’s DOT supervisor training course does not fulfill the 3-hour FRA requirement.

Buy One For Only $35! See Discounts For 15+

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  • Full 2 hour course only $35!
  • DOT Compliant for any 60/60 min. DOT supervisor training for reasonable suspicion signs and symptoms. FMCSA = Yes | FAA = Yes | FTA = Yes | PHMSA = Yes | USCG = Yes
  • Company administrator can access all employee records
  • Use any mobile device, iPad or PC with any browser. Go ahead, be crazy – start on one device, finish on another!

Course topics

Intro: The Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988 | Reasonable suspicion training requirements (Regulations overview) | Record keeping | Course learning objectives

The Big Picture: The effects of substance abuse on society | The effects of substance abuse on the individual and family | The effects of substance abuse in the workplace

Drug Testing: The drug testing process & safeguards | Substance Abuse Professionals | DOT substance testing | Detection times | Refusals

Alcohol Testing:  The alcohol testing process | Evidential breath tests (EBTs) | Breath Alcohol content (BAC)

Drug Classifications & Effects of Use: Depressants | Stimulants | Hallucinogens | Other drugs of abuse (K2/Spice, Bath Salts, etc.)

The Supervisors Role:  Role overview | Confidentiality | Reasonable suspicion testing | Specific, Contemporaneous, articulable definitions w/examples

Common Use Indicators: Identifying abusers | Stereotyping | Physical symptoms | Behavioral  symptoms | Mental symptoms | Job performance | Drug paraphernalia

Intervention: Crisis vs. performance scenarios | Documentation | Enabling | Confrontation and interview | Dos and don’ts | Transportation to the collection site

Sample screenshots screenshot


Download a free DOT Reasonable Suspicion Checklist here


When should you fire an employee for a positive drug test?

To Fire or Not to Fire? That is the Drug Testing Question.


When should you fire an employee for a positive drug test? Companies who perform post employment drug testing have to make tough decisions about what to do with employees who test positive. For companies who have adopted a zero tolerance drug testing policy, the decision isn’t so difficult. Test positive, get fired. Done and done. Whether or not that’s good policy for the company or the employee is questionable and likely dependant on various factors related to that specific business. But what about companies who do not have zero tolerance policies and have text in their drug testing policy like…

“Employees who violate any of the conditions of The Company’s drug-free workplace program are subject to discipline, up to and including termination at The Company’s sole discretion. The degree of action chosen will depend on the circumstances of each case and will be considered within the parameters of all applicable state and federal laws.”

Their policy clearly allows for the possibility of termination at their “sole discretion” and the degree of action can “depend of the circumstances of each case”.

Let’s start with the basics.

Prevention: The best way to deal with a positive drug test is not to have employees who test positive in the first place.  Wouldn’t it be easier to prevent 3 of out 5 positive tests from occurring rather than deal with 5 out of 5 positive tests? Unless you like making difficult decisions that can have significant effect on employees income, family life and future job prospects you should have practices in place to help deter drug use. We won’t cover these in detail here but here’s a quick check list:

  • Random drug testing – A powerful deterrent
  • Internal communications – A program of regular communications reminding employees of the drug testing policy. This could include employee awareness programs (see our web-based program here). You could also exhibit drug free workplace posters around the workplace.
  • Reasonable suspicion supervisor training program. (See our web-based program here)
  • Employee Assistance Programs – Programs designed provide assistance to employees who may be abusing drugs or alcohol or who may have in the past.

The drug policy: If your organization doesn’t have a written drug policy, then not only should you not fire an individual for a positive drug test, you shouldn’t even be drug testing at all. That’s assuming you have better things to do than hang out in courthouses defending your company in a court of law. If you do have a drug testing policy you should also keep proof your employees have received a copy. A signed document acknowledging receipt is recommended.

Federal and State Law: Laws change all the time. On any given day there can be dozens of states with pending legislation related to drug and alcohol use. Keeping tabs with state laws your organization does business in should be a regular recurring practice. In general, if your organization already has your drug testing policy reviewed by an industry expert or legal counsel and it contains language similar to above, then your likely safe with a decision to terminate if it makes sense…however…

Consistent application: …you need to ensure that a decision to terminate is not discriminatory. Your decisions about discipline or termination need to made independent of an employees gender, race, disabilities and/or sexual preferences. Adding a section to your drug policy providing examples or prohibited behavior and their consequences can help prevent real or unconscious/unintended bias. For example, if an employee is caught with illegal drugs on their person, the consequence cannot be demotion for one employee and termination for another.

Verified test result?: Did the final test result come from a certified medical review officer (MRO)? If not, you should think twice about even disciplining your employee. An instant drug test positive (cup or strip with visual indicators read by the collector) or even a laboratory positive result should not be considered true results. Neither of these provided the employee a chance to prove they might have a valid prescription or some other valid alternate explanation which may have caused the positive.

O.k., so you’ve determined you have a written and distributed drug testing policy and you’re within state and federal law and you have an actual positive test. Now what?

Incident analysis: Considering the incident

  • Previous Issues: What are the circumstances related to the individual? Have they had previous drug or alcohol related incidents? Is there documentation? Are they consistently performing worse than others?
  • Occur on or off the job? Did the employees use likely occur on or off the job? One the job use would nearly always lead to more severe action.
  • Cost: What would it “cost” to replace them? And by “cost” we mean evaluate a) the actual cost or hiring a replacement b) the cost to the company in lost productivity c) the cost of temporarily transferring their workload to other employees who might already be under stress. Can you afford to fire them now…or should you warn the employee and begin formal documentation process to make future action easier to justify?
  • Safety: Are they performing safety sensitive duties? Could their potential use harm themselves or others? If so, you should at a minimum immediately remove them from performing their duties and if transferring to another position isn’t an option, then termination might be the only option.
  • Alternative Options: Is firing the best or only option?: Can they be demoted? Can you place them in the EAP program where they can get help and possibly recover? What is the employees  general attitude? Would treatment likely be successful?
  • The Substance: Did they test positive for cocaine…or maybe just for opiates related to use for a prescription that recently expired? How about alcohol? Did the employee come in to work in the morning completely inebriated? Or did they just get back from a business lunch? How about marijuana? Do you live in a state where medical marijuana is legal and do they have a prescription? Does your drug free workplace policy address that scenario?

There’s certainly a lot to consider but whatever you do be sure to remain unbiased and make decisions within state and federal law. If you have legal counsel, you should seek their feedback.

– AtHandTraining provides awesome web-based drug free workplace training for employees and supervisors.

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Signs and Symptoms of Adderall Use in the Workplace

Signs and Symptoms of Adderall Use in the Workplace


The use of the psychostimulant amphetamine Adderall is again on the rise. Due to its ability to increase attention and concentration it has become the drug of choice among the college crowd and those looking to gain a competitive edge in sports, the classroom, and in the workplace.  In fact, the demand for Adderall became so dramatic in 2012 that the federal government had to act to combat shortages of the drug.

It stands to reason that use of Adderall in the university would carry over into the workplace as students graduate and find themselves in yet another competitive environment. Quest Diagnostics, the nation’s largest toxicology laboratory reported in their 2014 Drug Testing Index Report that for the first time in 10 years the positivity rate for workplace drug testing increased and attributed it to “a rise in marijuana and amphetamines (use)” and things look to be getting worse. The proliferation of the drug can be reliably tracked by simply looking at the amount produced each year. Since the drug is classified as a schedule II drug, yearly production is controlled by the DEA.  In 1990, 417 kg of amphetamine was produced; in 2012 the number was 25,300 kg. The number is doubling every few years.

Safety risks and other problems of use in the workplace

If Adderall helps performance and concentration, what’s the big deal? Here’s a few reasons…

Employee health:

  • Loss of appetite can cause stress and malnutrition
  • Sleep deprivation and physical exhaustion
  • Paranoia and psychosis
  • Can be highly addictive
  • Withdrawal symptoms – extreme agitation, irritability and (ironically) an inability to focus
  • Long term use can cause anhedonia, or the inability to feel a sense of enjoyment or pleasure without the aid of some chemical stimulant
  • Increased violent behavior
  • Possibility of overdose – hallucinations, convulsions and possible death

Productivity and Safety: Any short-term increases on concentration and productivity are simply outweighed by the potential negative effects on the employees physical and mental health. Even with the perceived good intentions, Adderall abusers, especially those performing safety sensitive duties pose a significant risk to their selves, their co-workers and possibly the public. In addition, long-term users will find that the benefits they thought they were receiving from use disappear as they become sleep deprived, overworked, exhausted and unfocused. As with other stimulants, users may develop a need to take larger doses over time to receive the same effect further worsening their problem.

Adderall in the workplace

Since the drug is available by valid prescription it is possible that employees will have a legitimate prescription for Adderall. However because the drug is so easy to come by it is very likely that many employees would be abusing the drug without prescription. The difference in dealing with employee with a prescription and an employee without prescription is beyond the scope of this post, however any supervisor with the authority to make a reasonable suspicion determination should review their workplace drug policy, and have a good understanding of state and federal law as it relates to prescription drug use. There’s a good article written in OHS (Occupational Health and Safety) .

Companies with employees performing safety sensitive duties such as driving a DOT regulated vehicle, flying a plane, driving a bus, working with hazardous materials, etc. need to be extra vigilant in their efforts to ensure employees exhibiting signs and symptoms of use or abuse are interviewed and possibly drug tested when necessary.

Signs and Symptoms

When looking for signs and symptoms of Adderall abuse supervisors should be looking for ‘deviations from the norm’ in the employees typical behavior, attitudes and physical characteristics.  For example, if an employee is exhibiting an elevated level of alertness and excitement but has always historically exhibited those characteristics then those particular signs and symptoms would be a weak indicator of use. You looking for signs that would be abnormal for that individual.


Alertness | Highly Energetic | Abnormal Level of Confidence |  Reduced Apeitite | Raised Pulse | Rapid Breathing | Over Excitement | Dry Mouth | Pupil Dilation | Abnormally Talkative | Sweating | Restlessness | Irritability | Anxiety | Aggression | Coordination Difficulty | Headaches


Physical Exhaustion | Depressed Mood | Sleepiness | Mood Swings | Over Sleeping | Depression | Anxiety | Irritability


Paranoia | Delusions | Hallucinations | Severe Anxiety | Poor Judgement | Depression | Suicidal Thoughts | Exhaustion | Weight Loss | Malnutrition provides online training for DOT supervisor training, DOT employee drug awareness training, and drug free workplace drug and alcohol awareness training.

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