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Cheapest DOT Supervisor Training Online $35 or less!

Cheapest DOT Supervisor Training Online – $35 or less!

Looking for 60/60 drug & alcohol reasonable suspicion DOT supervisor training online?

Look no further. You can fulfill your federal requirements for a single person or your entire organization right here!

Is online training DOT compliant?

Yes. Thousands of companies utilize online training every year to fulfill the 60 minutes drug and 60 minutes alcohol reasonable suspicion supervisor training requirements for FMCSA (trucking) , FAA (aviation), FTA (transportation), USCG, PHMSA (pipeline). See the CFR regulations here.

Why online?

In person training sessions are nice but they can be expensive and hard to coordinate with trainer and employee schedules, or maybe you just need to ensure one or two employees are trained as part of their onboarding process. DVD video courses are typically outdated, poorly produced and just might put your employees into a comatose state. Employees are more likely to surf their smart phone than engage with a video. AtHandTraining’s online course can only be completed if your supervisors are engaged with the content and pass quizzes ensuring they understand the important concepts.

Top 6 benefits of using AtHandTraining’s online course:

#1. Ensure DOT compliance for 60/60 drug and alcohol reasonable suspicion training. Certificates can be generated and training records are stored online.

#2. Employees can access it from anywhere, anytime with any device: iPad, iPhone, Android phone or tablet, PC, MAC- whatever, we have you covered.

#3. Course material updated yearly – new statistics, new drugs, new photos.

#4. Supervisors are quizzed along the way ensuring a basic level of understanding of the key concepts

#5. Administrator access to employee reports

#6. It’s available right now!

Bonus #7. No clip art. Nothing says “made in 1982” like a nice piece of clip art.

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 Who needs this training and how often does DOT require it be taken?

Any supervisor or employee who has the ability to initiate a reasonable suspicion drug or alcohol test and is covered under any of the Department of Transportation agencies FMCSA, FAA, FTA, USCG, PHMSA. Only FAA requires “recurring training every 12-18 months. However, DOT recommends all supervisors re-educate every two years for as best practice. See regulatory requirements for all DOT modes here.

Other online courses run anywhere from $45-$79. Why is AtHandTraining’s course only $35 or less if I buy 50 or more?

Many other providers are piggy backing off of some other learning management system’s (“LMS”) software and must give a kick back to the LMS providers for every course taken. AtHandTraining manages our own system. We simply skipped the middleman.


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Click Here To Buy DOT Supervisor Course – $35 or less!

Click Here To Buy DOT Employee Drug Awareness Course – $10 or less! screenshot

Course topics – DOT Supervisor Training Online

Intro: The Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988 | Reasonable suspicion training requirements (Regulations overview) | Record keeping | Course learning objectives

The Big Picture: The effects of substance abuse on society | The effects of substance abuse on the individual and family | The effects of substance abuse in the workplace

Drug Testing: The drug testing process & safeguards | Substance Abuse Professionals | DOT substance testing | Detection times | Refusals

Alcohol Testing:  The alcohol testing process | Evidential breath tests (EBTs) | Breath Alcohol content (BAC)

Drug Classifications & Effects of Use: Depressants | Stimulants | Hallucinogens | Other drugs of abuse (K2/Spice, Bath Salts, etc.)

The Supervisors Role:  Role overview | Confidentiality | Reasonable suspicion testing | Specific, Contemporaneous, articulable definitions w/examples

Common Use Indicators: Identifying abusers | Stereotyping | Physical symptoms | Behavioral  symptoms | Mental symptoms | Job performance | Drug paraphernalia

Intervention: Crisis vs. performance scenarios | Documentation | Enabling | Confrontation and interview | Dos and don’ts | Transportation to the collection site

DOT Supervisor Training Online fulfills:

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) – 49CFR Part 382.603

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) – 14 CFR Part 121 Append I & J

Federal Transit Administration (FTA) – 49 CFR 655

Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety administration (PHMSA)

U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) – §16.250   Reasonable cause testing requirements


Anonymous personalized feedback on your drinking – Drinks Meter


Drinks Meter app gives you unbiased anonymous feedback on your drinking habits.

In 2013, 70.7 percent of U.S citizens reported that they drank in the past year; 56.4 percent reported that they drank in the past month.(1)


There’s an interesting app called “Drinks Meter” available for Android and iPhone that helps drinkers evaluate their drinking habits against thousands of others anonymously.  Let’s face it, most people are unlikely to speak candidly with their physician about their drinking habits, and regularly discussing alcohol use with close friends could be, well…uncomfortable. 

So how does one go about getting unbiased perspective about their alcohol use?  There’s an app for that. Drinks Meter not only helps you compare your alcohol intake against others, it helps you put your use into perspective in other ways as well. For example, the app calculates your drinking into calorie intake, and financial spend which may be consequences many users fail to understand. Drinks Meter also offers personalized advice highlighting potential risks and offers advice on cutting back.

One user’s review:

What an eye opener. I thought I was an average drinker but this app really made me think about what I am doing.” – App reviewer

Video overview

If you maintain a workplace newsletter or a workplace safety e-mailer you might consider adding information about this app for your employees to check out.

The app has a 4 out of 5 rating which is a good indicator that it’s proved useful and easy to use. The app is free and available now via the links below:

Google Play here

Apple iTunes here

(1) provides awesome online training for reasonable suspicion training for supervisors and employees subject to drug and alcohol testing.

Buy now and begin training in minutes!

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$35 or Less – Buy DOT Supervisor Course $10 or less – Buy DOT Employee Drug Awareness Course $25 or Less – Buy DFWP Supervisor Course $30 or Less – Buy FAA Recurring Course



FMCSA’s Final Rule Prohibits Coercion


FMCSA’s Final Rule Prohibits Coercion, Protects Commercial Truck and Bus Drivers From Being Forced to Violate Safety Regulations

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) today announced the publication in the Federal Register of a Final Rule to help further safeguard commercial truck and bus drivers from being compelled to violate federal safety regulations.  The Rule provides FMCSA with the authority to take enforcement action not only against motor carriers, but also against shippers, receivers, and transportation intermediaries.

“Our nation relies on millions of commercial vehicle drivers to move people and freight, and we must do everything we can to ensure that they are able to operate safely,” said U.S. Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx.  “This Rule enables us to take enforcement action against anyone in the transportation chain who knowingly and recklessly jeopardizes the safety of the driver and of the motoring public.”

The Final Rule addresses three key areas concerning driver coercion: procedures for commercial truck and bus drivers to report incidents of coercion to the FMCSA, steps the agency could take when responding to such allegations, and penalties that may be imposed on entities found to have coerced drivers.

“Any time a motor carrier, shipper, receiver, freight-forwarder, or broker demands that a schedule be met, one that the driver says would be impossible without violating hours-of-service restrictions or other safety regulations, that is coercion,” said FMCSA Acting Administrator Scott Darling.  “No commercial driver should ever feel compelled to bypass important federal safety regulations and potentially endanger the lives of all travelers on the road.”

In formulating this Rule, the agency heard from commercial drivers who reported being pressured to violate federal safety regulations with implicit or explicit threats of job termination, denial of subsequent trips or loads, reduced pay, forfeiture of favorable work hours or transportation jobs, or other direct retaliations.

Some of the FMCSA regulations drivers reported being coerced into violating included: hours-of-service limitations designed to prevent fatigued driving, commercial driver’s license (CDL) requirements, drug and alcohol testing, the transportation of hazardous materials, and commercial regulations applicable to, among others, interstate household goods movers and passenger carriers.

Commercial truck and bus drivers have had whistle-blower protection through the Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) since 1982, when the Surface Transportation Assistance Act (STAA) was adopted.  The STAA and OSHA regulations protect drivers and other individuals working for commercial motor carriers from retaliation for reporting or engaging in activities related to certain commercial motor vehicle safety, health, or security conditions.  STAA provides whistleblower protection for drivers who report coercion complaints under this Final Rule and are then retaliated against by their employer.

In June 2014, FMCSA and OSHA signed a Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen the coordination and cooperation between the agencies regarding the anti-retaliation provision of the STAA.  The Memorandum allows for the exchange of safety, coercion, and retaliation allegations, when received by one agency, that fall under the authority of the other.

This rulemaking was authorized by Section 32911 of the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21) and the Motor Carrier Safety Act of 1984 (MCSA), as amended. provides awesome online training for reasonable suspicion training for supervisors and employees subject to drug and alcohol testing.

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$35 or Less – Buy DOT Supervisor Course

$10 or less – Buy DOT Employee Drug Awareness Course

$25 or Less – Buy DFWP Supervisor Course

$30 or Less – Buy FAA Recurring Course