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Anonymous personalized feedback on your drinking – Drinks Meter


Drinks Meter app gives you unbiased anonymous feedback on your drinking habits.

In 2013, 70.7 percent of U.S citizens reported that they drank in the past year; 56.4 percent reported that they drank in the past month.(1)


There’s an interesting app called “Drinks Meter” available for Android and iPhone that helps drinkers evaluate their drinking habits against thousands of others anonymously.  Let’s face it, most people are unlikely to speak candidly with their physician about their drinking habits, and regularly discussing alcohol use with close friends could be, well…uncomfortable. 

So how does one go about getting unbiased perspective about their alcohol use?  There’s an app for that. Drinks Meter not only helps you compare your alcohol intake against others, it helps you put your use into perspective in other ways as well. For example, the app calculates your drinking into calorie intake, and financial spend which may be consequences many users fail to understand. Drinks Meter also offers personalized advice highlighting potential risks and offers advice on cutting back.

One user’s review:

What an eye opener. I thought I was an average drinker but this app really made me think about what I am doing.” – App reviewer

Video overview

If you maintain a workplace newsletter or a workplace safety e-mailer you might consider adding information about this app for your employees to check out.

The app has a 4 out of 5 rating which is a good indicator that it’s proved useful and easy to use. The app is free and available now via the links below:

Google Play here

Apple iTunes here

(1) provides awesome online training for reasonable suspicion training for supervisors and employees subject to drug and alcohol testing.

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